Saturday 15 February 2014

'Helix': Who is Jeri Ryan's Constance Sutton in 'Survivor Zero'?

helix-jeri-ryan-constance-sutton-survivor-zero-syfy.JPG"Helix" upped the threat factor in "Survivor Zero" with the addition of Jeri Ryan as Constance Sutton from Corporate. From the moment Constance stepped off her helicopter, the woman was a menacing mystery.

So who is she?

Obviously, Constance is a bad lady. She is, at the very least, a psychopath of both the business and scientific variety. At worst ... Well, let's just say she has your standard, flashy-silver eyes and dental care that involves the use of an electric sander.

It probably isn't good to forget her "No one gets out alive" order either. That's not very nice, especially when she wants to start with Julia.

On top of all of this, Constance is played by Ryan, an actress who seems to almost specialize in the "I might be evil but I'm definitely pretty so it's OK" variety.

We can thus establish that Constance is a bad woman, but what does she want other than a mysterious cure for whatever this disease actually is? Surely she wants something more than a (violent) hookup with Balleseros.

It may take more than one episode to unravel the mystery that is Constance Sutton.

Photo/Video credit: Syfy

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